
Recently, I’ve been a part of multiple conversations about the intersection of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. They’ve been bringing me back to that time in my own journey when I was introduced to a spirituality of openness, inclusiveness, liberation, exploration, and the invitation to joy. There is no question in my mind that health is holistic: our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our spirits can only heal … together … in synthesis.

So many of us need to heal from former trauma, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or all. And, to attempt to treat one aspect of any trauma is to neglect treatment, or healing, of our whole selves. Therapy is marvelous and necessary (probably for everybody), but so is the exploration of connectivity, the honest offering of our former spiritual trauma, and the asking of the great transcendent questions: what might all this mean … who am I in all of this … AND is there more to life than I can see, or imagine?

I feel that faithful companionship is key to wholeness. We are not meant to journey alone. And the journey is made so much richer, and so much healthier … together.

Find your people. We are … inextricable.